Sunday, November 13, 2011

My face.


What part of inappropriate don't you understand?

People slaving away in cubicles do not have a choice about being there. Oh, yes, with unemployment at 9% you can start sending your resume around because the atmosphere where you work is downright offensive. And you can use up a sick day for each interview you get, assuming you get any.

I personally am particular about what people say to me, how they say it, where they say it, and when they say it. And my response when I don't like what I hear is to walk away. But jobs are not that easy to walk away from.

Oh, yes, it's 2011, and we are all so the same when it comes to . . . Wait a minute. The same? What are we the same about? One man's fish is another man's poisson.

You have dirty jokes and "just kidding" sexual advances I don't want to hear? They are not appropriate in an environment where I am trapped because I need a paycheck. Not to mention that if I actually enjoy my job, I don't want my concentration broken because you feel like expressing yourself sexually in my face.

Re: "In Favor of Dirty Jokes and Risqué Remarks" (11/13/2011)

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