Wednesday, January 11, 2012



Gingrich thinks that by outing Romney as a private equity raider who liquidates companies to line his own pockets he can deflect onto Romney all of the anger that working people feel about:

** Corporations that do manufacture products having closed thousands of US factories and off-shored millions of jobs in the last 30 years to replace American workers with cheap foreign labor;

** Corporations eliminating pensions, foisting an ever-increasing share of health care costs onto workers, cutting benefits, flat-lining wages, demanding longer hours, short-staffing operations from hospitals to software development shops;

** Bush tax cuts for the richest 1% being the number one cause, after his wars and the Wall Street bailout, of the enormous budget deficit Republicans rail against;

** Deregulation of Wall Street having led to the housing bubble, the subprime mortgage disaster, the loss of trillions of dollars in equity by American homeowners (if not their homes), and Washington's bailout of too-big banks instead of the 99%;

** Federal, state, and local cuts by Republican politicians to essential government services on the basis of screwy "free-market" nonsense rather than to tax the 1%;


Gingrich's play is gutsy, but it is doomed to fail because corporate capitalism and the Republican party are responsible for a million times more bad things than the bad things Romney is responsible for.

Re: "Romney Rivals Beat Obama to the Punch" (1/12/2012)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention the outrageous compensation to executives of non-profit organizations like Mozilla who use their tax exempt status to draw tax deductible contributions from unsuspecting rich donors.