Thursday, February 16, 2012

Republican Class War.


Instead of taxing millionaires and billionaires, who have the money and are not paying their fair share, Republicans are increasing taxes, in the form of higher pension contributions, on federal workers -- middle-class workers who have done nothing to deserve being penalized in this manner.

Make middle-class workers pay more so that millionaires and billionaires continue to pay less. This is the Republicans' class war battle cry.

And to those who say that increasing pension contributions is not increasing taxes on federal workers, think abstractly. The operative word is "more." Federal workers will pay more so that millionaires and billionaires can continue to pay less. Whether it is a tax or a pension payment, this unprovoked Republican attack on federal workers reduces the money in their pockets.

Re: "A Rare Deal" (2/16/2012)

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