Monday, April 27, 2015

Your police.


What seems to escape the police spokesman who claims that Baltimore police have been injured "without provocation," and what seems to escape affluent white Americans who are outraged that black youth are fighting back against a system that brutalizes and kills them, is that there is a limit to the violence a racist society like the USA and racist institutions like the Baltimore police can inflict beyond which their victims have nothing left to lose, even if it means throwing stones against police armed with heavy military weaponry.

The "provocation" a police spokesman seems not to have noticed is that Freddie Gray was murdered by his police and this selfsame spokesman has told the world that Freddie Gray died because he wasn't buckled into his seat in a police van. Freddie Gray's neck was broken before he was dragged screaming in pain into that van, and his neck was broken by a gang of Baltimore police. He was lynched. By your police.

Re: "Baltimore Enlists National Guard and Curfew to Fight Riots and Looting" (4/28/2015)

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