Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A person who does bad.


To forgive is not to condone or excuse. It is to perceive the humanity of a person who offends us. To forgive requires us to acknowledge our own destructive impulses and unburdens oneself of the inner torment of anger and resentment.

Peace among all people depends entirely on everyone acknowledging our humanity in ourselves and in each other in all of its potential to do good and bad. Precisely hardening our hearts against one another prevents us from feeling peace in ourselves and peace with our fellow human beings.

There is an expression: Some people would rather be right than happy.

Taking an emotional stand against a misguided person who does bad things prevents you from connecting with their humanity and enabling them to change. You don't have to mince words or be afraid to see or speak the truth, but forgiving is the first step in healing what went wrong in a person who does bad.

Re: "Why I Can’t Forgive Dylann Roof" (6/24/2015)

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