Thursday, September 24, 2015

Do Not Listen.


Americans need a Pope to lend gravitas to the glaringly obvious domination of the vast mass of humanity by a money-crazed, violent, racist handful of tyrants who have taken control of the global economy and transformed it into a plantation?

OK, fine. And it comes down to the Republicans, who have infiltrated every corner of American society with their toxic ideology, heeding his words and being nice to people?

Good luck with that. There is a problem loose in this world. It is known as the forces of good versus evil and has been plaguing humanity in one form or another for our entire existence because it comes with the territory.

The solution is for the frazzled, frantic, frustrated masses not to listen to the siren song of fear and hate, in this particular historical moment being pounded by the Republican "organization" (as Chomsky calls it) via its propaganda instruments into the public's consciousness.

Propaganda is a highly effective form of communication. The forces of evil cultivate it and hone it to the point that it is extremely difficult for a poorly informed person to resist it. My message is this: if you like what the Pope is saying, do not listen to the Republicans.

Re: "Pope Francis’ Challenge to America" (9/25/2015)

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