Saturday, January 09, 2016



American oligarchs have forgotten rule one: "Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered." Their greed ran wild and they have been having a field day impoverishing the bozos who support their right-wing tools in government.

So the party is over. The rubes do not believe they are prosperous anymore, and there go the Republicans and their stupid excuses for an economic theory. My wish is that Americans wake up to their history.

The USA was deeply indebted to the USSR, who paid an enormous price to save the world from Hitler, and the minute FDR died, the oligarchs turned on Stalin just as FDR feared they would. American plutocrats hate democracy so much they allied themselves with Nazi monsters after the war to beggar the USSR. All the coups, all the killings, all the wars that ensued for decades, all the monstrous atrocities the USA perpetrated during the Cold War and kept secret from the American people, originated in the greedy minds of those whose political progeny are today's "Republican elite." Monsters all. War criminals all. Enemies of the American working family all.

Re: "For Republicans, Mounting Fears of Lasting Split" (1/10/2016)

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