Sunday, July 05, 2009

One stupid little pisher.


150 years for Bernie Madoff, who fleeced a number of people chasing money for nothing off the backs of people who work for a living.

Zero time and zero prosecution for the gang of American despots who destroyed the country of Iraq under false pretenses, killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, displaced millions from their homes, and tortured untold thousands because they felt entitled to rule the world.

Zero time and trillions of taxpayer dollars to the masters of the universe who destroyed the American economy.

So Bernie Madoff does the time for all these tyrants' crimes. One stupid little pisher hung out to dry while the genuine monsters of our time continue to ride around in limousines and drink champagne.

re: "Bernie Madoff Is No John Dillinger" (7/5/2009)


Patry Francis said...

Just stopping by to say I always enjoy your comments.

Bill Appledorf said...

Thanks, Patty. Not all of them have been making it past the moderator lately. A little too subversive for polite society, I guess, but I am not sure.