Saturday, December 21, 2013

I will bet.


If the purpose of domestic spying operations were to prevent terrorist attacks, the Obama administration would not push back against public outrage at the abuses Edward Snowden has revealed.

No. In typical Obama fashion, the administration is trying to quell criticism by making some inconsequential concessions at the margins while keeping its Stasi program in place.

Why? Because what the plutocrats who own the USA fear most is general rebellion against the concentration of wealth and political power in their hands. If they can quiet the masses with propaganda, fine. With police brutality, fine.

But if rounding up nodes in dissident social networks -- organizers, fomenters, trouble-makers -- is necessary, they are prepared to do that, too.

Look at the history of the American ruling class. Look at the literally millions of people their military, their CIA, their special forces, and their proxies have killed from one side of this planet to the other.

Money is serious business to these people. They will take your job, your house, your bank account, your environment, your life. Whatever is necessary to gorge themselves on it.

I will bet anybody lunch that this spying absolutely will not end and if resistance to the plutocracy reaches a point where it cannot be intimidated away with police brutality, disappearances and death squads will ensue.

Re: "Bad Times for Big Brother" (12/22/2013)

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