Wednesday, December 18, 2013



If Edward Snowden hadn't let us know, spying on everyone in the world would be continuing right now in secret.

Remember the Boland Amendment that prohibited arming and supporting Contra terrorists in El Salvador?

That "program" continued illegally, as will NSA spying if it is prohibited by Congress or the courts.

The American people are, from the perspective of the 1%, a dangerous enemy lusting for participatory democracy, and the American ruling class -- and their military -- are scared to death of the millions of friends and relatives of people they have tortured and killed in developing economies, as well as the millions of people whose economies and resources they have "secured" -- stolen -- for American banks and corporations.

Stasi-style spying is not to protect the American public.

It is to protect powerful actors who steal every penny they can from Americans and everybody else in the world.

Re: "Turn Off the Data Vacuum" (12/19/2013)

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